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How do I become successful?

Successful in school/future career

+25 Karma if successful
From: You
To: Friend
Subject: Career question for you


11 answers

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Roberto’s Answer

Yours is a great question and it already has some great answers in the discussion trail. I agree that this is a very mature question that is going to (hopefully) follow you all your life. We always need to be self-aware and constantly evaluate ourselves and our response to our environment; then adjust accordingly.

Discipline is the big word here. For you not to limit yourself, you need to set your sights further and higher than where you currently are at any given point on time. Discipline is the skill of sticking to your plan and principles. Assuming that you are still a very young student, I'm sure you will have the opportunity to move your goal post forward many times.

Today I would recommend that you start by establishing a few "guiding principles" between three (3) and five (5) personal qualities you have (or want to have) and always evaluate your goals and actions against those. You can call those your "Core Values". What this is going to do is to establish a basic but powerful element of discipline that you can expand into more complex activities.

There are many to choose from. My own, for example, are "Loyalty", "Competence" and "Persistence". Yours can include one or none of those because there are many others. Because you are talking about not having limits, you maybe could adopt "Growth" and check any plan or decision you make against it. In this case you would ask yourself: "by pursuing X, Am I pursuing Growth?" and so on.

This is just to get started, the road to a limitless attitude will be paved with doubts and real setbacks, but if you have the discipline of always checking against your plan, and that plan is checked against your "Core Values" you will, invariably; go over your doubts and recover from setbacks.

Good Luck !!
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is amazing! I really needed it. Oliver
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Hetal’s Answer

Becoming successful can mean different things to different people, but generally, success involves achieving one's goals and feeling fulfilled in one's personal and professional life. Here are some tips that can help you become successful:

Set clear goals: Identify what you want to achieve and set specific and measurable goals to help you get there. Write them down and create a plan of action.

Develop a growth mindset: Be open to learning and embrace challenges as opportunities to grow and improve. Be willing to take risks and step out of your comfort zone.

Build strong relationships: Network and build relationships with people who can support and encourage you in your goals. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who believe in you.

Take action: Take consistent and deliberate action towards your goals. Break them down into smaller steps and focus on making progress every day.

Stay focused and disciplined: Stay focused on your goals and avoid distractions that may hinder your progress. Develop discipline and consistency in your actions and routines.

Embrace failure: Understand that failure is a part of the journey towards success. Learn from your mistakes and use them as opportunities to improve and grow.

Stay motivated: Stay motivated and inspired by regularly reminding yourself of your why and the reasons why you want to achieve your goals.

Remember, success is not achieved overnight, and it requires hard work, dedication, and persistence. By following these tips and staying committed to your goals, you can become successful in whatever you choose to do.
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. Oliver
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Megan’s Answer

Find what profession makes you happy, and work hard to get the degree to do it!
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Diana’s Answer

Hi there,

1) READ. READ. READ. Be curious. Build a passion for research. Investigate. But again, READ. You will learn from different subjects from the career you are going to study or you are studying at and you will become more savy.

2) RESEARCH about the CAREER you want to study. Visit websites of universities, colleges, etc. see what would you like to study and get information. It's easy now with the computer. Everything is a click away.

3) Look for a MENTOR. If you don't have a person you could ask for advise, see a famous professional or in books and follow him or her.

4) Be persistent and don't stop LEARNING.

Good luck!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Greetings Ahmad,

Charting Your Path

Success in your academic journey and future career is a result of setting distinct goals and meticulously planning the steps to achieve them. Begin by analyzing your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and principles. This self-evaluation will aid in defining what you wish to accomplish and the necessary steps to reach your objectives. Establish SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that harmonize with your ambitions.

Enhancing Knowledge and Skills

Education is the cornerstone of success. Strive to excel in your academics by consistently attending classes, actively engaging in discussions, and seeking assistance when required. Moreover, consider engaging in extracurricular activities that resonate with your interests and career aspirations. Broadening your skill set can significantly boost your chances of success. Consider acquiring new skills through online courses, workshops, or internships.

Mastering Time Management and Organization

Efficient time management is a vital ingredient for success. Construct a schedule that balances study time, leisure activities, and personal growth. Prioritize tasks based on their significance and deadlines. Employ tools like planners or digital calendars to stay organized and ensure you meet your commitments.

Cultivating Relationships and Networking

Fostering meaningful relationships with peers, mentors, and professionals can greatly enhance your success. Participate in networking opportunities within your school or local community. Building robust relationships can offer invaluable support, guidance, and potential career opportunities in the future.

Fostering Resilience and Adaptability

The path to success often includes encountering challenges and setbacks. Develop resilience by maintaining a positive outlook, finding solutions to hurdles, and learning from failures. Welcome change and adaptability as you navigate your academic and professional journey.

Pursuing Mentorship and Guidance

Identify successful individuals in your chosen field and seek their mentorship or advice. Gleaning insights from seasoned professionals can offer priceless understanding into the intricacies of academia and the workforce.

Embracing Continuous Learning and Growth Mindset

Adopt a growth mindset that emphasizes constant learning and enhancement. Stay updated on industry trends, advancements in your field of interest, and emerging opportunities. Engage in lifelong learning to stay competitive in the rapidly changing job market.

Top 3 Authoritative Reference Publications:

Harvard Business Review: An esteemed publication offering insights on leadership, management practices, and career development.
Forbes: A premier source of business news and financial information offering valuable perspectives on career success strategies.
The New York Times Education Section: A trusted publication covering educational trends, student success stories, and career guidance.

Have a look at my AUTOBIOGRAPHY to elucidate what very good nutrition does for your academic and work performance, in short, your happiness. The Raison d'etre is simple; God made the nutrients for our use as a body fuel. Still I saw many students dosing up on caffeine to boost their examination performances.

These sources were employed to provide thorough insights into achieving success in school and future careers based on authoritative perspectives from renowned publications.

May Divine Blessings Be Upon You,
James Constantine.
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Adrian’s Answer

First and foremost, I will say after reading enough books and educating myself through the years, it really comes down to setting realistic goals. this will enable to either give you a path that pertains uniquely to you. Having the right mindset along with being resilience will also enable to be successful. This is by far the hardest principle to accept that life is not fair and you will fail often. This is fine, just keep pushing and things will fall into place. Excellent question and I hope this helps you!
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david’s Answer

Hello, Ahmad,
Excellent question, and you have received many pieces of good advice. My suggestion to you is that you first need to define what success is. That may seem a waste of time, as 'everyone knows success', but that isn't true. I encourage you to take the time, possibly several hours or days, and write down - it needs to be in print, so you can see and confirm it - what life will be like if you are successful. Avoid simple words such as 'happy' or 'rich'; instead, focus on your life and what it will be like. You may find that having a lot of money isn't part of it, but whatever you define will then give you ideas on how to achieve that. We can offer suggestions on how to reach your goals in life, but a thorough review and definition first by you will be the major document. I wish you the best.
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Mindy’s Answer

To me, I would say you have to be very focused, driven, goal oriented to name a few. No matter what it will take a lot of hard work and may even take some sacrifices. It just depends how bad you want something, and how much you're willing to put into getting it.
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Chirayu’s Answer

Becoming successful in school and your future career requires a combination of hard work, dedication, and focus. Here are some tips to help you achieve success - Define what success means to you and set clear goals that will help you achieve it. This can include setting academic goals, career goals, or personal development goals. Once you have set your goals, create a plan that will help you achieve them. This can involve breaking down your goals into smaller, achievable steps, and creating a timeline to keep yourself on track. In school, developing good study habits is essential to achieving academic success. This can include developing a routine, staying organized, prioritizing your workload, and seeking help when you need it. Building strong relationships with your peers, teachers, and colleagues can help you succeed in school and your future career. This can involve networking, seeking mentorship, and collaborating with others to achieve common goals. Pursuing activities and hobbies that you enjoy can help you stay motivated and engaged in your schoolwork and future career. This can also help you develop skills and experiences that will be valuable in your future career. Success requires continuous learning and growth. This can involve seeking new experiences, taking on new challenges, and developing new skills that will help you achieve your goals.
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Terry’s Answer

Set your goals, create your action plan to achieve that goal. Phase out distractions. Talk with those who are successful in thier fields. Success does not come over night. Successful people surround themselves with successful people.
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Matt’s Answer

Do good work, keep showing up, don't chase what success looks like, create it for yourself.
Relationships will form around what you do and how you go about it. That is a good barometer.
Don't try to do it alone but remember the journey is uniquely yours.