4 answers
4 answers
Michel’s Answer
Taking away distractions can be really helpful. If you are studying at a desk I believe it is extremely helpful to have it facing away from other people and not towards a window. I personally get distracted anytime someone walks by a window so having a desk towards a wall eliminates that. Noise cancelling headphones are an absolute lifesaver. It makes it so you can’t hear distractions and this is huge when studying in college because people around you can be really loud. Develop endurance in studying. Start with studying for 20 minutes and take a 5 minute break and do this for some time and get up to studying for 35 minutes with a 7.5 minute break. Finally once you have mastered that try and study for 50 minutes with a 10 minute break. Getting a solid 50 minutes without distractions is one of the best goals and allows you to knock out a lot of material in a short period of time. It takes endurance though don’t think you are going to be able to just start studying for that long without a break work up towards it and be gentle with your self if you struggle at first. Next keep your phone away from you whenever you are studying that little buzzing will get you every time. Get a good nights sleep sounds intuitive but it works absolute wonders. Set a time you go to bed and put your phone away at least 30 minutes before that so you can go to sleep at a decent time. Depending on how you study find a friend and work together to develop good study patterns.
You are taking a great step to improve and for that I am proud of you. If you have any more questions let me know and I can clarify some of these if you would like.
You are taking a great step to improve and for that I am proud of you. If you have any more questions let me know and I can clarify some of these if you would like.
Rebecca’s Answer
Thank you for your question. This would involve a few areas.
Below are my suggestions :
1. If possible, select the subjects you have interest to attend.
2. Good time management :
- Identify a good time management tools that suits you, e.g. your phone calendar, ms outlook, etc.
- Put down the time you have to attend school
- Assign some time everyday for revision and assignment
- Make sure you have sufficient time to rest. It is important for your concentration
3. Do some concentration training from time to time. There are resources online. You can start doing some simple training.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
Below are my suggestions :
1. If possible, select the subjects you have interest to attend.
2. Good time management :
- Identify a good time management tools that suits you, e.g. your phone calendar, ms outlook, etc.
- Put down the time you have to attend school
- Assign some time everyday for revision and assignment
- Make sure you have sufficient time to rest. It is important for your concentration
3. Do some concentration training from time to time. There are resources online. You can start doing some simple training.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
Jody’s Answer
Patrick, you are not alone bwana, I have the same problemo big time. It has been a lifelong challenge for me.
I had to set up strategies to help me cope with easily being distracted. I used to sit in the back row and people watch and look out the windows and daydream. There were multiple times the teacher would finish talking and say " That will be on the test and I just showed you how to do it". And I had not listened to anything she said. After making really bad grades on multiple tests I decided to make changes and develop strategies to help me focus during the limited class time. I almost did not graduate high school with my class because I was flunking chemistry.
I started sitting in the front desks of each row so that it was easier for me to watch the teacher and make it easier for me to listen to what she said. I also worked on taking better class notes and I learned how to take notes better. You tube has great videos on taking better notes. How to Take Notes in Class. My favorite person to watch videos and listen to is a man named Jim Kwik. He has an awesome story and he now helps people become better students.
I am a life long C student and the main reason I made C's is that I have always spread myself out way too thin and I have always loved doing alot of different things. I played on multiple sports teams, learned how to scuba dive, learned judo, and I joined a school boxing team. I was always busy doing alot of different things and that has never changed in my life. I even studied and got my private pilot license to fly single engine planes.
Therefore, Time Management is the key to success no matter what you do in life. You have so many hours in a day and what you do with them is totally up to you. What do you think you need to do to perform better in school ?
Make a simple job plan and make it better over time : Here is an example
1. Goal No. 1 - I want to become a better listener . Action Item : Sit in the front desk during class.
2. Goal No. 2 - I want to take better notes in class. Action Item 2A: Watch you tube vidoes on taking better notes. Develop my own method that works best for me. Action Item 2B: look at my friends notes and see if I like what they do and use that form as a template and develop my plan thru multiple trials.
3. Goal No. 3 - I want to study better for my class work. Action Item 3A: I will read the chapters and then rewrite my own notes on what I am reading and make outlines to help me visualize what I am reading. Action Item 3B: Find a study partner to help you study. My friends that I had in my classes would let me come over their house and we would study and do homework together. They were straight-A students and helped me become a better student. That worked for me in college too.
You will be successful no matter what happens, I promise you that. How successful you are is totally up to you. Make a list of priorities. What is most important for your time ? And I highly recommend you lose your fear of failure. "Failure " is a term for " undesired results ". I went out for the baseball team my senior year and got cut from the team and it totally broke my heart. I ended up becoming a better student after I transferred my energy from baseball to passing chemistry. Later I ended up becoming an engineering student in college same as my friends that I studied with to become a better student. They told me that they were going to be engineering students in college and I decided to become an engineering student as well. Patrick, you are the Master of Your Destiny. You will be successful, I promise you. How successful you are is totally up to you. I salute you for reaching out and networking ! That is a valuable tool for success. Keep doing what you are doing and keep working hard on self improvement. That is a valuable tool for success and you have the right idea , Cheers !!
I had to set up strategies to help me cope with easily being distracted. I used to sit in the back row and people watch and look out the windows and daydream. There were multiple times the teacher would finish talking and say " That will be on the test and I just showed you how to do it". And I had not listened to anything she said. After making really bad grades on multiple tests I decided to make changes and develop strategies to help me focus during the limited class time. I almost did not graduate high school with my class because I was flunking chemistry.
I started sitting in the front desks of each row so that it was easier for me to watch the teacher and make it easier for me to listen to what she said. I also worked on taking better class notes and I learned how to take notes better. You tube has great videos on taking better notes. How to Take Notes in Class. My favorite person to watch videos and listen to is a man named Jim Kwik. He has an awesome story and he now helps people become better students.
I am a life long C student and the main reason I made C's is that I have always spread myself out way too thin and I have always loved doing alot of different things. I played on multiple sports teams, learned how to scuba dive, learned judo, and I joined a school boxing team. I was always busy doing alot of different things and that has never changed in my life. I even studied and got my private pilot license to fly single engine planes.
Therefore, Time Management is the key to success no matter what you do in life. You have so many hours in a day and what you do with them is totally up to you. What do you think you need to do to perform better in school ?
Make a simple job plan and make it better over time : Here is an example
1. Goal No. 1 - I want to become a better listener . Action Item : Sit in the front desk during class.
2. Goal No. 2 - I want to take better notes in class. Action Item 2A: Watch you tube vidoes on taking better notes. Develop my own method that works best for me. Action Item 2B: look at my friends notes and see if I like what they do and use that form as a template and develop my plan thru multiple trials.
3. Goal No. 3 - I want to study better for my class work. Action Item 3A: I will read the chapters and then rewrite my own notes on what I am reading and make outlines to help me visualize what I am reading. Action Item 3B: Find a study partner to help you study. My friends that I had in my classes would let me come over their house and we would study and do homework together. They were straight-A students and helped me become a better student. That worked for me in college too.
You will be successful no matter what happens, I promise you that. How successful you are is totally up to you. Make a list of priorities. What is most important for your time ? And I highly recommend you lose your fear of failure. "Failure " is a term for " undesired results ". I went out for the baseball team my senior year and got cut from the team and it totally broke my heart. I ended up becoming a better student after I transferred my energy from baseball to passing chemistry. Later I ended up becoming an engineering student in college same as my friends that I studied with to become a better student. They told me that they were going to be engineering students in college and I decided to become an engineering student as well. Patrick, you are the Master of Your Destiny. You will be successful, I promise you. How successful you are is totally up to you. I salute you for reaching out and networking ! That is a valuable tool for success. Keep doing what you are doing and keep working hard on self improvement. That is a valuable tool for success and you have the right idea , Cheers !!
jasmine’s Answer
Staying focused in school can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can use to minimize distractions and improve your concentration. Here are a few tips to help you focus in school. Also prioritize your work - Prioritize your work by focusing on the most important tasks first. This will help you stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed. By implementing these strategies, you can improve your ability to stay focused and attentive in class, which will help you be more successful in school and beyond.
Get enough sleep - Make sure you're getting enough sleep each night so that you feel rested and alert during the day. Lack of sleep can make it harder to concentrate and stay focused.
Take breaks - Taking short breaks can help you recharge and refocus. Try taking a 5-10 minute break every hour or so to stretch, walk around, or do something enjoyable.
Minimize distractions - Try to minimize distractions in your environment by sitting in the front of the class, turning off your phone, and avoiding chatting with classmates during class.
Use a planner - Use a planner or digital calendar to keep track of your assignments, deadlines, and schedule. This can help you stay organized and manage your time effectively.
Practice mindfulness - Mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or meditation, can help you calm your mind and improve your focus.
jasmine recommends the following next steps: