What paths (in tech) are available in EMS?
A career area I want to explore is EMS: Emergency Medical Services.
I know that EMTs, paramedics, and firefighters populate most of the field. I want to broaden my perspective of what's out there. Personally, I'm interested in roles that use technology and planning, such as EMS Management.
What are some career professions available for those that want to enter EMS management, or other related areas?
Would like to hear from professionals in Emergency Medical Serivces, or related backgrounds (healthcare, public health, clinicians, etc).
6 answers
Micheal’s Answer
John’s Answer
Right now, like in many other areas of medicine, staffing is a major issue. In areas that are more rural, EMS services are likely to be staffed by volunteers, and in larger areas municipal fire/EMS services offer paid positions, benefits and retirement after 20 years. There has always been a push/pull between volunteer and paid services and ensuring coverage and availability is something many areas are struggling with still. This is in addition to other issues like declining reimbursements and funding, burnout, and increased demand due to an expanding aging population.
Because of the many issues facing EMS, strategic planning is needed now more than ever. Choosing to follow a path that will lead you to a degree in public health, system planning and design, or analytics and quality are all good options. Leadership can happen at the local level (city or county), state level (state / regional), or national levels. Communities need directors to oversee local services. Each state has offices that oversee their EMS services and licensing as well as planning. There are national organizations, such as NASEMSO that are constantly evaluating how to improve the EMS system nationally and addressing multiple topics from communication systems to streamlining licensing for military medics who want to transition to the civilian role. In addition, there are opportunities at many federal agencies to include FEMA, CDC, CMS, and HHS that have influence and impact on EMS. By pursuing one of the degree programs above, you would have many options for roles in any of these organizations. I've added some links below - there are many more I could have included, but these should give you a good starting point.
Best of luck to you.
John recommends the following next steps:
Jacob’s Answer
EPIC is one of the leading Electronic Health Care systems out there. This amazing software company is trusted by numerous healthcare providers and hospitals. They constantly develop advanced technology products, particularly focusing on EMS software and additional features. EPIC offers a wide range of opportunities in this field, not only in programming but also in designing products and enhancing healthcare in various technology-related areas.
Owen’s Answer
Jennifer’s Answer
Eric’s Answer
Indeed, technology plays a vital role in enhancing the capabilities and efficiency of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). There are several technology paths available within the EMS field that can be pursued for a rewarding career. One prominent area is EMS informatics, where professionals leverage data analytics, software development, and information systems to optimize EMS operations. This involves managing electronic health records, developing data-driven insights for resource allocation, and implementing technologies to streamline communication and documentation processes. Another pathway is telemedicine in EMS, which involves utilizing telecommunications and digital platforms to provide remote medical assistance, triage patients, and consult with healthcare professionals in real-time. Additionally, there are opportunities in mobile technology and applications development, focusing on creating innovative tools for patient monitoring, emergency response coordination, and providing critical medical information. Embracing emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Internet of Things (IoT) can further revolutionize EMS by improving diagnostic accuracy, facilitating predictive analytics, and enhancing patient outcomes. Pursuing a career in technology within Emergency Medical Services can be an exciting and impactful way to contribute to the ever-evolving field of emergency healthcare.