4 answers
4 answers
Dan’s Answer
I wouldn't say one is inherently easier than the other; if you're serious about it, there's always something to learn/practice/refine. That being said, I think culinary has more immediate gratification and you'll still dabble into baking and pastries, so you can get your feet wet before you decide to dive in.
Fabrice’s Answer
You can definitely study both but you must know that it is really 2 different skills, cooking comes from good instincts and a generally, a great palate. While some people both love savory and sweet, pastry is way more scientific, Precise and often times, it leaves, (at first) little room for creativity.
Joffrey’s Answer
There are two different job, wich are both hard. Cooking demands lot of guts power and knowledge just like pastry.
Pastry is more like a perfect science some product like chocolate and other fine food will require a Perfect execution and don’t leave room to improvise recipe.
I’m a French executive pastry chef with 16yrs of xp im specialized into fine pastry , and sometimes my work space look more like a laboratory than a pastry haha
Pastry is more like a perfect science some product like chocolate and other fine food will require a Perfect execution and don’t leave room to improvise recipe.
I’m a French executive pastry chef with 16yrs of xp im specialized into fine pastry , and sometimes my work space look more like a laboratory than a pastry haha
Julie’s Answer
It takes passion and skill to move up the ranks to be a chef. Pastry takes a lot of patience, time management, and artistic ability to be a great pastry chef. You also need to be able to follow a recipe to a T.
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