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why is college regarded as important?

want to start a business instead of going to college

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4 answers

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brittany’s Answer

College helps start the process of what you are wanting and with hire pay it’s not always required but it is good to do
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice, brittany. Trench
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Charly’s Answer

Hi! In my personal opinion i think that no matter if you want to start your own business, college is very important to everybody because it give you the tools, the structure and the knolege to start any kind of busisness in order to success.
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James Constantine’s Answer


Exploring the Significance of College (and Why It May Not Suit Everyone)

College can be a wonderful journey, but remember, it's not the only route! Let's delve into why college is often perceived as crucial, and also why venturing into business could be your perfect match.

Advantages of College:

Boosted Earnings: Statistically, college graduates tend to earn substantially more throughout their lives compared to those only holding a high school diploma [National Bureau of Labor Statistics].
Career Opportunities: Numerous professions necessitate a college degree, thus broadening your spectrum of potential jobs [Pew Research Center].
Skill Enhancement: College not only imparts specific knowledge but also cultivates vital skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication - all of which are indispensable in business!
Building Connections: College provides a platform to interact with professors, mentors, and fellow students who could become significant contacts in your future career.

Why College Might Not Be Essential:

You Possess a Business Concept: If you're fervent about launching a business, college may not be the ideal first step. You can dive straight in, learning on the job and finding mentors in your chosen field.
The Expense is Overwhelming: College can be costly. If the prospect of debt concerns you, there are other routes to success.
You're a Hands-On Learner: Some individuals thrive on practical experience over traditional classroom learning.

What to Do Next:

Study Successful Entrepreneurs: Numerous business founders didn't attend college. Their stories can be enlightening.
Engage with Business Owners: Networking with local entrepreneurs can provide valuable insights and guidance.
Explore Trade Schools or Community Colleges: These institutions offer job-specific training that could be beneficial for your business.

In the end, the choice is yours. While college can be a useful tool, it's not the only road to success, particularly if your passion resides in entrepreneurship.

God Bless You,
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Rachel’s Answer


I agree that college can be helpful but because of the internet there is more access to information. Of course the internet can't tell you what is right and what is wrong.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
- what kind of business do I want?
- how would I start the business and be able to make it successful?
- do you have access to everything you may need for your business? (Network of people, website design, social media, etc.)