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What I Want To Become In The Future?

i like to tell you guys what i wan to become when i grow up....I want to become a professional footballer like Robert Lewandowski

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Mary Ann’s Answer

Hi Harry,
It's great that you are clear on what you want to do. I'm sure you're working on the skills you need to be a great footballer. But, you also need to work on your academics. Stay with me here. In order to be a professional athlete, you need to be in a place where people can see how skillful you are at your sport. In the U.S., that usually happens at the college level. In order to get that soccer scholarship (because in the U.S., that's what it is), you need to also have the grades required by the university.

When Universities are looking for sports talent, they are also looking to make sure whomever they recruit for the sport will be successful as a student. And, once you've been admitted to the university, you will need to keep a certain grade point average to remain at the university and be allowed to play.

So, right now, continue to work on your soccer skills, but be sure to give equal attention to your grades and shoot for a "B" average or higher.

I look forward to seeing you play on the soccer pitch one day.
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David’s Answer

Thats great Harry!
Time to think about what you need to achieve that goal: 10% ability, 90% hard work.
Is Lewandowski the fastest footballer? No.
Is he the most skillfull? No
Does he have the best pass, the best touch, the best vision - perhaps not.
But he has what he has, which is an ability to finish, to beat defenders and to be where he needs to be at the right time.
How did he get there? Hard work. It is no accident that he has that eye for goal as he has no doubt spent hours and hours day and night training and honing his body for this work. His ability to beat defenders and get on the end of a move shows me he also is a student of the game who spends hours analyzing his opposition, his competitors and the best way to overcome them.
So how did Lewandowski, and how can you, become the next top scorer in Europe. Hard work. You have to be prepared to live, breathe, and dedicate your existence to football for the first third of your life.

Ready to do that? Then comes the hard part. Only the top 5% make it. That's just the hard facts of life. Should that stop you going for it? Absolutely not. Chase your dreams. But always be prepared not to be in that top 5%. As part of your dedication couple it with a sports degree, or coaching badges, or media training. Then if for whatever reason goal scoring is not your career - you can still work and be around the sport you clearly love and make a beautiful life from it.

Best of luck Harry - hope to see you banging in 30 goals a season very soon.
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Ketrin’s Answer

Keep practicing, in moderation and remember to rest.
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Duncan’s Answer

Hey Harry,

Absolutely, never stop pursuing your dream! 🌟

Just to give you a bit of context, the English Premier League consists of 20 teams. If we consider each team to have a squad of 40 players, that makes a total of 800 professional players. Now, given that the UK is home to around 52 million adults, and about half of them are over 18, this implies that only a tiny 0.0031% of adults are professional footballers.

So, always remember, your relentless effort and commitment can distinguish you from the vast majority - the 99.9969% of people who dream of being professional footballers just like you. Keep pushing your limits, put in that extra effort, and have faith in your journey. You're absolutely capable of achieving this! 💪⚽

Take care,
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Mark’s Answer

The chances are slim, but don't let that stop you from trying your best. However, it's smart to also have a backup plan. Pick a career that sparks your interest and isn't oversaturated with more candidates than available jobs.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Harry!

What I Want To Become In The Future?

As you embark on the journey of determining what you want to become in the future, it’s essential to reflect on your passions, interests, and the skills you wish to develop. You mentioned wanting to become a professional footballer like Robert Lewandowski, which is an admirable goal that requires dedication, hard work, and strategic planning. Below are several key aspects to consider as you pursue this dream.

1. Understanding Your Passion for Football

Your aspiration to become a professional footballer indicates a strong passion for the sport. It’s crucial to nurture this passion by engaging in regular practice, participating in local leagues or school teams, and studying the game. Watching matches, analyzing players’ techniques (like those of Lewandowski), and understanding different playing styles can enhance your knowledge and skills.

2. Developing Skills and Training

To reach a professional level in football, you must focus on developing specific skills such as:

Technical Skills: This includes dribbling, passing, shooting, and ball control. Regular training sessions focusing on these areas will help improve your performance.

Physical Fitness: Professional athletes maintain high levels of fitness. Incorporate strength training, endurance exercises, and flexibility routines into your regimen.

Tactical Awareness: Understanding game strategies and positioning is vital. Engage with coaches who can teach you about formations and tactics.

Consider joining a football academy or enrolling in specialized training programs that provide structured coaching.

3. Education and Career Pathways

While pursuing a career in sports is exciting, it’s also wise to have an educational backup plan. Many professional athletes have pursued higher education alongside their sports careers. You mentioned interests in college and medicine; here’s how these can align with your aspirations:

College Education: Attending college can provide valuable life experiences and networking opportunities. Look for colleges with strong athletic programs that could offer scholarships based on your football skills.

Medicine: If you’re interested in medicine, consider how this field intersects with sports—such as sports medicine or physiotherapy—which allows you to remain connected to athletics while pursuing a fulfilling career.

Sports Management: This field combines business acumen with sports knowledge. A degree in sports management could prepare you for roles behind the scenes in athletics if playing professionally doesn’t pan out.

4. Setting Goals

Establish short-term and long-term goals related to both your football career and education:

Short-Term Goals: These could include improving specific skills over the next few months or making it onto a competitive team.

Long-Term Goals: Aim for milestones such as obtaining a scholarship or signing with a youth academy that could lead to professional opportunities.

5. Networking and Exposure

Building connections within the sports community is crucial for aspiring athletes:

Attend camps where scouts may be present.
Participate in tournaments that attract attention from coaches.
Utilize social media platforms responsibly to showcase your talent through highlights or training videos.

6. Mental Resilience

The journey toward becoming a professional athlete can be challenging; mental toughness is just as important as physical skill:

Develop coping strategies for dealing with setbacks such as injuries or losses.
Practice visualization techniques where you imagine yourself succeeding on the field.

Consider working with a sports psychologist if available; they can provide tools for maintaining focus under pressure.

In conclusion, pursuing a career as a professional footballer like Robert Lewandowski involves more than just talent; it requires dedication across various facets of life including skill development, education, networking, and mental resilience. By setting clear goals and remaining committed to both your sport and education, you’ll be better positioned to achieve your dreams.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) - Provides information on collegiate athletics including scholarships available for student-athletes.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) - Offers insights into sports medicine which relates directly to injury prevention and recovery strategies for athletes.
Sports Management Worldwide (SMWW) - A resource for understanding careers within sports management including educational pathways related to athletics careers beyond playing professionally.