5 answers
5 answers
Danielle’s Answer
When making a comparison of the two, I would recommend considering how the jobs are alike and how the jobs are different.
Next, I recommend establishing criteria for what makes a good job and find out how each job fulfills this criteria- like compensation, security, growth opportunities, work/life balance, job satisfaction, etc. Furthermore, prioritize that criteria to identify what's most important.
Understanding how the jobs are alike/different and examining which one, policeman or firefighter, best aligns with that criteria will help determine the "better job."
Ultimately, the decision on which one is better will be largely relative to the individual's criteria and how each job fulfills that criteria.
Next, I recommend establishing criteria for what makes a good job and find out how each job fulfills this criteria- like compensation, security, growth opportunities, work/life balance, job satisfaction, etc. Furthermore, prioritize that criteria to identify what's most important.
Understanding how the jobs are alike/different and examining which one, policeman or firefighter, best aligns with that criteria will help determine the "better job."
Ultimately, the decision on which one is better will be largely relative to the individual's criteria and how each job fulfills that criteria.
Michelle’s Answer
Hello, Jazzy !
This is a great question to ask for your friends during a time that they are exploring possible careers for their futures ! I extend a cordial invite for your friends to visit Career Village and directly ask more questions that can help them discover information for themselves, too !
The best way to decide on a personal level which career is better for them, between being a Police Officer or a Firefighter would be to read a comparison or contrast of the the two careers.
I will discuss for you the what the training process is like first for the career of being a Police Office in the city of Denver. CO as it varies slightly from city to city and State to State. A person who wants to be a police officer in your city would go to the police academy, the Denver Police Academy and the training is called the Police Office Standards and Training (aka POST). They conduct classes all year round and there are 50 recruits in the class. You get selected to be in this training by taking tests, passing interviews, and have a thorough background investigation done on you. These are evaluated by the Civil Service Commission as well as police department administration. The length of time of the training is 26 weeks.
The police classroom training consists of learning about Federal, state and municipal law, Search and seizure, Arrest control, Firearms, Physical fitness, Emergency driving, Report writing, and Patrol tactics and community interaction. You have a test on the subjects every week. You will also undergo a very rigorous physical conditioning training. You also go through simulations that test your ability to handle stress and do all the things necessary to be a police officer. You graduate and then become a police officer. You can read or obtain more details by contacting your local police department.
To become a Firefighter in Denver, CO, they require you to be physically fit and pass certain vision and hearing requirements. You submit an application and get put on an eligibility list and they select applicants from the list to go for the training. You train at the Firefighter Training Academy and take EMT classes.
Police Officers in Denver, CO are said to make an annual salary of $61,000 to $85,833 per year according to available information. Firefighters in Denver, CO make approximately $76,000-$97,000 per year. Both of these salary quotes depend on different factors so this is just a possible salary range. No one can say exactly what someone would make.
I hope that this is helpful in trying to decide which career your friends are more suited to. People are drawn to both of these careers out of a passion and drive to help people, to serve their community and keep things safe. It's very important that people explore these careers and decide for themselves which one they would like to pursue.
This is a great question to ask for your friends during a time that they are exploring possible careers for their futures ! I extend a cordial invite for your friends to visit Career Village and directly ask more questions that can help them discover information for themselves, too !
The best way to decide on a personal level which career is better for them, between being a Police Officer or a Firefighter would be to read a comparison or contrast of the the two careers.
I will discuss for you the what the training process is like first for the career of being a Police Office in the city of Denver. CO as it varies slightly from city to city and State to State. A person who wants to be a police officer in your city would go to the police academy, the Denver Police Academy and the training is called the Police Office Standards and Training (aka POST). They conduct classes all year round and there are 50 recruits in the class. You get selected to be in this training by taking tests, passing interviews, and have a thorough background investigation done on you. These are evaluated by the Civil Service Commission as well as police department administration. The length of time of the training is 26 weeks.
The police classroom training consists of learning about Federal, state and municipal law, Search and seizure, Arrest control, Firearms, Physical fitness, Emergency driving, Report writing, and Patrol tactics and community interaction. You have a test on the subjects every week. You will also undergo a very rigorous physical conditioning training. You also go through simulations that test your ability to handle stress and do all the things necessary to be a police officer. You graduate and then become a police officer. You can read or obtain more details by contacting your local police department.
To become a Firefighter in Denver, CO, they require you to be physically fit and pass certain vision and hearing requirements. You submit an application and get put on an eligibility list and they select applicants from the list to go for the training. You train at the Firefighter Training Academy and take EMT classes.
Police Officers in Denver, CO are said to make an annual salary of $61,000 to $85,833 per year according to available information. Firefighters in Denver, CO make approximately $76,000-$97,000 per year. Both of these salary quotes depend on different factors so this is just a possible salary range. No one can say exactly what someone would make.
I hope that this is helpful in trying to decide which career your friends are more suited to. People are drawn to both of these careers out of a passion and drive to help people, to serve their community and keep things safe. It's very important that people explore these careers and decide for themselves which one they would like to pursue.
Kevin’s Answer
Wow, that's a touchy question (I'm law enforcement, my brother is a firefighter). Do you prefer sleep or no sleep? Get paid to work, or get paid to sleep? Be first on fire scenes, or roll out of bed and have to go to a fire? (Friendly jabs I often throw at my brother)
It really is apples and oranges. There is great mutual respect between the two jobs, but they really are very different at the core. Although both are often called when there are bad things happening, one position is often looked upon as "bad guys", and the other as "heros".
Police officers have direct interaction with people, whether for good or bad reasons (often bad), and fire fighters often do not. Police must enforce rules, fire fighters are there just to help.
Police oficers are often a "one man show", fire fighters always respond as a "team".
There tends to be more variety in "special assignments" in law enforcement (narcotics, traffic enforcement, investigations, school resource officer, court officers, evidence tech, etc). In firefighting, there is some, but not as much to offer in your average department.
The greatest similarity between the two occupations is the inherant dangers of the jobs. I have been to many funerals for both police officers and fire fighters. That is where much of the mutual respect comes in to play. No matter which profession is chosen, the reality is that they both are dangerous occupations. In light of this, your heart needs to truly be at the core of why you've chosen either of these fields.
Hope this answers your question.
Wow, that's a touchy question (I'm law enforcement, my brother is a firefighter). Do you prefer sleep or no sleep? Get paid to work, or get paid to sleep? Be first on fire scenes, or roll out of bed and have to go to a fire? (Friendly jabs I often throw at my brother)
It really is apples and oranges. There is great mutual respect between the two jobs, but they really are very different at the core. Although both are often called when there are bad things happening, one position is often looked upon as "bad guys", and the other as "heros".
Police officers have direct interaction with people, whether for good or bad reasons (often bad), and fire fighters often do not. Police must enforce rules, fire fighters are there just to help.
Police oficers are often a "one man show", fire fighters always respond as a "team".
There tends to be more variety in "special assignments" in law enforcement (narcotics, traffic enforcement, investigations, school resource officer, court officers, evidence tech, etc). In firefighting, there is some, but not as much to offer in your average department.
The greatest similarity between the two occupations is the inherant dangers of the jobs. I have been to many funerals for both police officers and fire fighters. That is where much of the mutual respect comes in to play. No matter which profession is chosen, the reality is that they both are dangerous occupations. In light of this, your heart needs to truly be at the core of why you've chosen either of these fields.
Hope this answers your question.
Rebecca’s Answer
Thank you for your question. Both policeman are firefighter are good careers. It depends on which you have interest.
Below are my suggestions:
1. Find out more in these cart. There are plenty of information online
2. Speak to someone who are working in these careers
3. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counselor, your parents, etc
4. Find out both academic and physical requirements of the careers
5. Work hard to meet the criteria
Hope this helps! Good luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
Below are my suggestions:
1. Find out more in these cart. There are plenty of information online
2. Speak to someone who are working in these careers
3. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counselor, your parents, etc
4. Find out both academic and physical requirements of the careers
5. Work hard to meet the criteria
Hope this helps! Good luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
Adaobi Maryann’s Answer
Dear Jazzy,
I would like you to know that there's no better job.
We build ourselves into service and by this means, earn our wages. Humans live for humans. We use our skills and knowledge to better our lives through the services we render to the society.
I will break this further. The Fire Fighter helps people through his career, he saves lives and properties thereby giving people new hope especially in the case of fire outbreak. The Policeman on the other hand protects lives, properties and enforces laws for the smooth functioning of our daily activities etc.
Now you see that the both involves serious duties of which in their absence,will cause chaos in the society.
Instead of asking which is a better job? You should rather ask, which of the careers do I have real passion for?
I believe that passion drives people into commitment in what they do. And when you have successfully delivered in your career, attracting a special love from people you've helped, then you can confidently say your job is the best! Why? Because you have full job satisfaction. Thanks.
I would like you to know that there's no better job.
We build ourselves into service and by this means, earn our wages. Humans live for humans. We use our skills and knowledge to better our lives through the services we render to the society.
I will break this further. The Fire Fighter helps people through his career, he saves lives and properties thereby giving people new hope especially in the case of fire outbreak. The Policeman on the other hand protects lives, properties and enforces laws for the smooth functioning of our daily activities etc.
Now you see that the both involves serious duties of which in their absence,will cause chaos in the society.
Instead of asking which is a better job? You should rather ask, which of the careers do I have real passion for?
I believe that passion drives people into commitment in what they do. And when you have successfully delivered in your career, attracting a special love from people you've helped, then you can confidently say your job is the best! Why? Because you have full job satisfaction. Thanks.