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Looking to get in contact with some legacy media (cable news, print news, etc.) senior officials. Any advice?

Hi! I am currently writing a paper on legacy media operations and am trying to connect with some legacy media senior officials to discuss some data, ask questions, and try to learn more about the specific industry. Unfortunately, I am having trouble getting in contact with anyone. I have tried looking on LinkedIn and going directly to official websites, but, still, no luck. Any tips on how to get into contact with them?

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Henry !

You have done your best ! It is very rare if at all that the people in the positions that you've mention respond to people that they do not know. You have done all you can and now it's time to try something different. You can go forward with this for your local mainstream media.

You can start by visiting the offices of newspapers such as The Macomb Daily, The Shelby Township Gazette, and the Observer & Eccentric. Also visit the closer radio stations such as WHPR, WVMV and the further away ones such as WORW and WEMU. You have learned that leaving voice mails and e-mailing are fruitless, so I advise visiting in person. All of your television stations are based in Detroit as you probably know and they seem to all be main stream. It would be hard to even try to visit them. There really is no way to get a response from them for the purpose that you are contacting them for, so let's look at some other things you can do.

So I have suggested going local, but consider exploring the Society for Professional Journalists based in Indianapolis, IN. I have left the link to their website below for you. Perhaps dealing with individual journalists might be more successful than media companies because it would be more one to one and focused, hopefully with less security concerns.

Your idea of interviewing people is awesome, but if your paper is about legacy media operations, this will be easy to do by research and documentation if you can't find someone to interview. You can find all of the laws, rules, guidelines and operations data on line or at your library, so all is not lost. And when I think of it, you would not get the information documented for all media by just one person. You'd have to cover an enormous amount of ground and this would take a very long time. It is more reliable to research the laws and protocol that are on the books and that some professionals may not even be able to quote if you interviewed them.

This is not to say that you will never be able to gather information by way of interviewing, but for now, one must do what is practical and able to be done.

Here's a last ditch effort suggestion I have for you. If you really are set on doing your paper by word of mouth, I think that a media or journalism professor at a college other than your own or a professor at your same college that you never had before would be more open-minded and trusting to speak with you. For colleges other than your own, go in person to the media department and for a professor you've never had at your college, you can go in person or contact them through your college portal. See what happens. But I still suggest doing this particular topic with tangible documentation and specific resources that you can cite.

I do hope that this helps and I wish you all the best with your paper and your college path !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

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Alex’s Answer

I am not in legacy media - but I think going on Twitter or Threads might be a good idea. I follow a LOT of journalists on Twitter, and I find that a lot of them interact with readers on Twitter or Threads. So perhaps you can get to NYT / Wash Post / CNN / etc people through that path?