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What jobs can i get at 13 that include baking cooking my own recipes ? ?

Im young and want to make money while doing what i like

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Bruce’s Answer

Yes, Paul is correct.
However, I would suggest you volunteer, go to pre-schools, church's, Hostels, explain your situation and what you want to do.
Take orders for Cup cakes, and baked goods to start.
This may grow into Birthday cakes being ordered, and other possibilities.
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Paul’s Answer

I am sorry but most state laws will not let them hire a 13 y old. Plus even if you were older there are laws that limits what you can do and use in a kitchen until your 18
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Aisha’s Answer

Hello Brendan,

At the age of 13, you have a world of opportunities ahead of you to turn your love for baking and cooking into a profitable pursuit. Here are some exciting possibilities:

1. Launch a Home Baking Business: If it's permissible by local regulations, why not start baking from your own kitchen and sell your delicious creations to family, friends, and neighbors? Begin with simple yet tantalizing items like cupcakes, cookies, or cakes for various events.

2. Participate in Farmers Markets: Some of these markets welcome young entrepreneurs to vend their homemade delicacies. Look up your local guidelines and see if this could be a viable avenue for you.

3. Provide Personal Baking Services: Consider offering your baking skills for special occasions like birthdays, holidays, or family gatherings. You could design personalized menus featuring your unique recipes.

4. Conduct Virtual Cooking Classes: Utilize platforms like Zoom or social media to instruct others on how to whip up your favorite dishes.

5. Develop a Food Blog or YouTube Channel: Broadcast your recipes on the internet and cultivate a fan base. In time, you could generate income through advertisements, sponsorships, or even by launching an online store selling your own recipe books or kits.

6. Organize Bake Sales: Host a bake sale at local events or within your community, where you can demonstrate your culinary talents through your personal recipes.

Remember to involve your parents in this journey to take care of any legal formalities or to assist you in setting things up. Are you interested in more ideas or specifics on kickstarting a particular venture?
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Rich’s Answer

Brendan, First of all you would have to have consent from your parents and I am pretty sure you work in a job until you ar 14. That being said you would have to find as an apprentice or and helper. Good luck