Career questions tagged baking

What are some of the not so fun things about being a baker?
I love spending time in the kitchen but I know it can be grueling.

I want to learn baking desserts and other pastries.
I want some help making my favorite desserts such as, red velvet, key lime pie, and peanut butter cheesecake.

I am currently working in Information Technology and have a strong interest in pursuing a career in culinary arts. Could you provide guidance on how I can effectively bridge the gap between these two fields?
I love cooking and baking. I'm always cooking for my family and friends and baking too. I want to succeed with culinary arts; however, I want to incorporate IT with it.

Best colleges to go to in San francisco?
I would mainly like about 10 options from the treasure island but others are good too, thank you! Also I am looking to take business, accounting, and finance classes.

Would I be able to have an international online pastry baking business? How would I be able to manage and own a business?
I would like those with similar career choices and experiences to answer. Although other responses are appreciated that have not.

Is cake a pastry or a bread?
What does pastry involve outside of obvious pastry foods like croissants?

Whats the culinary field like?
I love culinary arts, is there anyone here that's been a chef/is one or a baker that could tell me what's it's like?

what is the typical schedule as a batch maker, a pastry chef?
I was wondering what is the typical schedule as a batch maker, a pastry chef.

It doesn't seem like a career in baking has a lot of opportunities for growth in a company. Is this true?
By growth, I mean that unless you're the best of the best, there may not be room for you to grow in a company and make more money. In this instance, you would be stuck making donuts in a store bakery (ex. Safeway, Walmart) without much else to go up to in the company.

when It comes to being a baker, is it challenging if I want to travel to study other country's food. ?
I want to be a baker and all I want to do is travel and learn how other country's do it but I'm not sure if its possible.

What jobs can i get at 13 that include baking cooking my own recipes ? ?
Im young and want to make money while doing what i like

What can I do in order to become both a chef and a baker?
I personally enjoy both cooking and baking because I find it fun to make the dish and whenever I do make stuff for people, they usually like it and that makes me happy.

How to get better at baking and what new recipes to try? I am thinking of owning my own bakery when I’m older!
any favorite recipes? I would love to try them!

What can help me get into a good culinary school?
I love baking sweet treats. I currently want to go to culinary school so I can open my own baking shop and decorate different treats.

What are things that you didn't know or didn't expect/wish you knew about culinary , baking or being a chef?
I really what to be prepared for when i go into what i want so it would be nice to know what are things you wish you knew about it.

What does you week look like as a chef or a baker?
I was wondering what it would be like in a week of cooking and baking because that is exactly what I want to do and I want to prepare myself for when is my turn to do that.

How can I make good fluffy buttercream for cupcakes and cakes?
I have to make cupcakes for a birthday but i don't know to make good buttercream that won't melt.

What steps would you recommend to prepare to enter culinary?
I am an 18-year-old trying to get into culinary anything would help.

What kind of schooling does it take to become a professional pastry chef or regular chef?
Is it going to take some fancy school to get to where I want to be? Does it have to be such an expensive school in order to get ahead most of the people becoming chefs?

What are most qualifications that someone needs for becoming a pastry chef?
What are the best things that someone can have on their resume in order to get a job? Sound confident in how you are asking the question so you can get clear answers about the question.

What path does it take to start your own bakery?
Baking is one of my favorite hobbies. I’ve tried many new recipes and it is so much fun.

How can a teen trying to get in a bakery experience get an internship at a small business?
I am very interested in becoming a professional baker and owning a bakery someday. I am only 13, but I would like to start planning from this age so that in 22 years, I can have a stable job at a bakery, and have finished culinary and business school by then to be on my way to my own bakery.

How do you turn an in home bakery into a real bakery?
I am in 8th grade. I have recently started a cookie cake business, Bella's Custom Cookie Cakes. I am currently baking cakes in my house. In the future, I would like to have a bakery. What steps should I take to grow my business?

What would you say is the best part about being a baker/chef?
Im Interested in joining a culinary/baking class and would like to know what the best part of baking and cooking is in your opinion.