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How do i study for high school?

Im a tenth grader so this is my first year and I'm struggling in math right now I have a 67 which is the worst I've ever done. I don't know how to study I'm just looking for some tips!
thank you!

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Sherry’s Answer

First, know that it is completely OKAY to struggle! Just because you are having difficulty with this particular math class does not mean you will have a problem with ALL types of math. I did okay in math but failed my Accounting course my first year in college! This upset me as I always was a hard worker and tried to get good grades. I got myself a tutor and took the class again. I did not pass with flying colors, but I passed! The tutor was my age and was able to explain the material in a way that I understood. So talk to the teacher! You would be surprised at how much a teacher will work with you when they know they have a student who is sincerely trying. My son's math teacher stayed with him after school to help him because he told her he needed help . Think about finding a friend who can tutor you or an older student who passed the course the year before. Your teacher may help you or recommend a student to help you.

There are a lot of studying tips on social media! Find what works best for you. I had to write everything and talk out loud when working through a problem. Math is tricky because you have to DO the match and not just READ about it like your other subjects. Practice over and over the types of math problems you are struggling with. The trick with math is to get help for it as soon as you know you are struggling. You will be happy you did. Don't try to do it alone. And know that it is OKAY! You got this! This will NOT ruin your life or your future. It is one tiny part of your whole life and you will be okay.
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Britni’s Answer

Hi, here are some tips you can use for studying. Make a study schedule,
Talk to you teacher on what you need to work on, Read your textbook prior to class, Do textbook examples or do practice problems online, get a study buddy with someone in class, and a tutor if the school has one.
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. sky
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Anne’s Answer

Hey Sky! Math can be super hard and confusing, especially if you aren't a numbers person. I have a learning disability in math, so I get it! I would recommend a few things:

1. Talk to the teacher about your grade directly, you would be shocked to find many teachers have no issue with spending extra time explaining concepts you don't get, offering extra credit, or letting you redo tests/homework assignments. You just have to ask.

2. Be honest with your parents. This seems silly, but a lot of kids will hide not-so-great grades like it's something to be ashamed of. Parent's might be able to help in a few ways, they can help with trying to explain it in a different way, they might be able to help talk to your teacher, and they might be able to see if the school has any accommodations or recommendations to help raise your grade.

3. Look for a tutor or a study group - having another person go over skills with you might be really useful. See if a friend or acquaintance is getting a better grade than you, ask to study together and see what they are doing. This means looking at notes too, you might be writing down the wrong things. See if you can copy someone's notes (NOT their homework) to get an example of what they are writing down.

4. Look up your learning style (there are quizzes online) - Reading from a book or a screen might not be the most effective type of studying. Once you learn your learning style, there are many types of examples of how to modify your study time to be the most effective FOR YOU! There are text to speech programs for auditory learners and fidget toys that can help with tactile learners. It is all about how you learn.

5. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Most people have no issue with helping if you are upfront that you are struggling. Just remember, one lower grade is not going to keep you from your future, not going to keep you out of college, and will not ruin your life.

Thank you comment icon I appreciate this so much thank you! sky
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