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How viable is being a computer & information research scientist as a career?

What are the challenges and rewards of being a computer & information research Scientist? What does your job consist of on a daily bases and do you enjoy it? How much schooling and preparation does it take to become one, and was it worth it to you?

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Adit’s Answer

Embarking on a journey as a computer and information research scientist is an exciting venture that offers immense benefits and fascinating challenges.

Creative Endeavors: You get to pioneer new technologies, enhance computing algorithms, and crack intricate puzzles in AI, data science, and cybersecurity.

Evergreen Demand: The ceaseless evolution of technology guarantees a sustained need for research scientists.

Attractive Compensation: The median salary stands at approximately $130,000 in the U.S. (as of 2023), with room for escalation.

Intellectual Gratification: The work is frequently at the forefront of technology, allowing you to contribute to shaping its future.

Lengthy Education: Typically, a Ph.D. in computer science or a related field is necessary, which takes about 6-8 years post-undergraduate studies.

Intricate Problem Solving: The work entails grappling with tough, abstract problems that require sharp critical thinking.

Funding for Research: The process of securing grants or funding can be competitive and induce stress.

Day-to-Day Tasks:
Innovation & Advancement: Engage in work on algorithms, machine learning, or systems theory.
Teamwork: Join forces with engineers and fellow researchers to put findings into action.

Dissemination & Presentation: Circulate research in scholarly journals or present at conferences.

Many individuals in this field believe that the intellectual benefits surpass the challenges. If you're fervent about pushing the boundaries of technology, it can prove to be a gratifying career.