1 answer
What is architecture about?
What are the requirements for studying Architecture?
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Aric’s Answer
Hello Martin, what an insightful question you've asked! Just take a moment to glance around, look up, down, and all around you - architecture is everywhere. The essence of architecture lies in crafting spaces for people to relish, inhabit, experience, shelter in, display, protect, and much more. It's all about comprehending the needs of individuals and creating structures that cater to those needs. This can range from designing a cozy home to live in, to an efficient office space to work in. It might involve planning a hospital, a school, a shopping center, and countless other structures. Thus, it's crucial to grasp the necessity by listening, understanding the context, and creating spaces that meet one's needs.
Your curriculum in architecture school will greatly depend on the university you choose. Each institution has a distinct approach to helping you explore your environment and become more attuned to your surroundings. It's a journey, a process that will provide you with valuable insights into professional practice and design. Yes, it's a lengthy journey, but at the end of it, you'll be in a position to assist so many incredible people!
Your curriculum in architecture school will greatly depend on the university you choose. Each institution has a distinct approach to helping you explore your environment and become more attuned to your surroundings. It's a journey, a process that will provide you with valuable insights into professional practice and design. Yes, it's a lengthy journey, but at the end of it, you'll be in a position to assist so many incredible people!