Career questions tagged aerosapceengineeringcareer

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JonathanJan 16, 20181079 views

Which is the best school to choose for a career as an aerospace engineer?

I am very interested in a career as an aerospace engineer. I have visited 3 schools in the mid Atlantic area that have a good reputation in engineering. When I ask each one which makes your school standout over the other ones I got pretty vague answers. I have been told to ask questions to these schools like what is your retention rate for students interested in a career as an aerospace engineer once a student graduates? Only one answered that question in length. It is hard to try and see the future and select which path to take to get to your goal. Besides having to be exceptional in math and physics what else can I do to raise my chances of making it in the aerospace engineering field? Is it better to work for NASA or a private company like Space X or Boeing? I love physics and math and most of all anything to do with space. I just want to make sure I am making the right choices in my education. #aerosapceengineeringcareer #aerospaceengineering #aerospaceengineeringeducation

answer icon6 answers
Active Dec 25, 2018
location iconWarrington