Career questions tagged australia

In Australia, how big is the difference between the *content* of a Bachelor's Degree with Honours and an equivalent Master's Degree?
I understand that Bachelor + Honours degrees typically take 4 years, while Master’s degrees take about 2. But is there a difference in the *content* of these degrees? I'm specifically interested in La Trobe University, but advice about other universities are welcome as well! For reference, these undergraduate vs these postgraduate degrees from La Trobe (which are all health degrees, as upon exiting any of these, you can register with the relevant board and be a practitioner): - Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) VS Master of Occupational Therapy Practice - Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) VS Master of Physiotherapy Practice - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) VS Master of Social Work - Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) VS Master of Speech Pathology There may be better examples from other Australian Universities!

What do I have to do and know to study abroad in college next year?
The studying at sea and going to multiple places sounded nice but I would also like to do studying in Australia or Europe. Who do I go to for information at my school? What needs to be done to make it possible? I am going to be a freshmen in college in September and I was thinking of doing studying abroad either my sophomore or junior year. #studyabroad #college #help #australia #study #information #travel #education

Intern/Work in Australia
I recently came from a study abroad experience in Australia. I fell in love with the city of Melbourne and would like to know what are some of the best approaches for getting employment in Australia as a computer scientist? #Australia #computer-science #programming