Career questions tagged collegeacceptance
What is more impressive to colleges? AP classes, Move On When Ready, or IB?
Why don't admissions officers tell students why they were rejected?
I have been receiving my college acceptance (and sadly, rejection) letters lately. I understand that admission officers have to read literally thousands of applications but it hurts to not know why you weren't selected for their school. There are students out there getting rejected by their dream schools without any form of closure. I know life goes on and you forget about it but sometimes you can't help but wonder. It helps for future reference and it can lead to self-improvement. All it takes it someone to honestly tell you. #why #collegeacceptance #collegerejection #college-admissions #admissions #admissionofficers #help
Is it true that the further away you live from a college, the more likely you are to get accepted (of course compared with others with the same GPA, activities, etc . who live closer)
Wondering if I should look at colleges with a further distance from my area #collegeacceptance #acceptancerate