Career questions tagged coverletter

If job applications have a section to upload your Resume, but don't have a section to upload your Cover Letter, do you attach the Cover Letter to your Resume?
Not sure if every company has separate sections for uploading Resumes and Cover Letters, but I've ran into both situations and wasn't sure if you're supposed to attach the cover letter when there is only an "Upload Resume" section. #Coverletter #resume #application #job-application
Active Dec 22, 2023

How do you write a good cover letter?
There are millions of formats online for a cover letter. Some are longer and more specific. Others are short and don't provide much information (i.e., bragging points) about the writer. Some are double-spaced and others are single-spaced. Some are twelve-point and others are ten-point. Does the format even matter as long as the content is good? #coverletter #jobhunt
Active Dec 22, 2023