Career questions tagged hygiene-school

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BrillithMay 19, 2024638 views

Is it possible to work night shift full time and complete dental hygiene school?

Hello everyone I majored in business administration and I am too far along to switch and will complete it just so I don’t feel like I wasted my life more than I already have. I have come to realize that I enjoy knowing my work can have a positive impact on others lives and looking to complete a second degree in dental hygiene. My same university offers this program and will take me approximately 3 years to complete I will be 24-25 when I finish. I would like to know if it possible to work night time positions such as a hotel night auditor/ grocery stocker positions in order to fund my degree as I will no longer have financial aid. My university also does not provide any afternoon or night time school options. Please give my any advice or share any stories about others who have worked while in dental hygiene school and it is possible or should I just give up and accept my circumstances.

answer icon6 answers
Active Nov 09, 2024
location iconAtlanta
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LeonilaApr 12, 20181115 views

Can I apply to dental school and hygiene school at the same time?

I have been put on a wait list to dental schools. I am going to reapply again but I am keeping my options open just in case dental school will not accept me again. I am also going to apply at a hygiene school. ( Note I have all the requirements I needed for dental my scores were not that bad. I have numerous hours of dental shadowing and volunteerism and many years experience as a dental assistance. Very competitive entrance. ) I would gladly to hear some inputs. #dental-school #hygiene-school #school-counseling #gap-year #student-counseling

answer icon1 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconOrland Park