Career questions tagged junioryear

Is Honors Physics as hard as APES?
I'm a junior in high school and I'm currently in APES (AP environmental science) but so far I'm not really getting anything and the workload is stressing me out. I'm in 3 other APs (AP Chinese, AP world, AP lang) that I value more than any AP science course I could take. I'm probably not going to do anything science-related as a career and I've never really been passionate/good at science. Last year I nearly failed Honors chem, but I think that's because I wasn't willing to put any effort in. I dropped honors and switched to on-level which I found insanely easy and relaxed, even fun at times! It also helped me focus on the subjects I genuinely cared about and found interest in, like APUSH. I don't want to breeze through high school and I know junior year is supposed to be hard, so part of me wants to stay in APES but part of me knows I can't do it. Oh and I should add that I'm in on-level precalc right now, and took on level algebra 2 last year. I'm good at on-level math and was good at honors geometry in freshman year but idk if my on-level skills would translate to honors physics. Anyways my question is whether Honors physics would be less rigorous but still challenging enough. I know APES and physics aren't really comparable subjects but whatevs. please help I am stressing a LOT and I'm kind of upset because I really really REALLY wanted to like APES.