Career questions tagged marinebiologists
I need to interview a marine biologist for a school assignment. Do you mind answering 10 questions?
1. What are the average hours that marine biologists work in a week? 2. What abilities, skills, or talents do biologist need to possess to be successful? 3. What ethical issues do marine biologists face in their work? 4. How do marine biologists secure funding for their research? 5. How competitive is the job market for marine biologist? 6. What are some challenges of being a marine biologist? 7. How do marine biologists safely handle and tag marine animals for tracking? 8. How long dos it take to become a professional marine biologist? 9. What are advantages of being a marine biologist? 10. What benefits do you get as a marine biologist?
What type of classes do I need to take in high school to become a marine biologist
#Marine Biology #MarineBiologists #Ocean Life #marine-biology