Career questions tagged portfolios

When applying to a college with an art major, what would make an appealing portfolio?
I want to go to a college with a major along the art subject, but I don't actually know what kind of art would colleges be looking for (whether the work should be realistic or not). I would like some tips to help me build up my portfolio, although there could be some colleges that don't require one. #college #art #application #portfolios
Active Dec 22, 2023

How would you go about starting an art portfolio?
I'm interested in applying to an art school but my school doesn't provide me with a drawing class or any of that type of art class and I don't know what kiinds of things would go into my portfolio. I know it's a collection of your work but I don't know any more than that. #art #school #projects #college-readiness #portfolios
Active Dec 22, 2023