Career questions tagged publicsafety
Brittain437 views
How would I go about starting an Explorers Post with my local Law Enforcement Agency? What should I propose to them when meeting with them?
I am attepting to establish an Explorers Post with my local Law Enforcement Agency in Pennsylvania. #explorers #explorerspost #policeexplorers #publicsafety #police
Jessica612 views
What kind of education to you need to become an EMT?
I’m super interested about becoming an EMT! I’m in a public safety class and out of all three of those careers I want to be an EMT. #career #PublicSafety
Aaliyah518 views
What education do you need to become a crime scene investigator?
I'm in public safety to become a crime scene investigator. #PublicSafety
Aaliyah625 views
How much education do you need to become a crime scene investigator?
I'm in public safety to become a crime scene investigator. #PublicSafety