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Steve Campbell’s Avatar

Steve Campbell

Geophysicist, Instructor, Presenter, Science Writer, Software Evaluator, Problem Solver, Astronomer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Houston, Texas
6 Answers
16437 Reads
16 Karma

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Lizeth’s Avatar
Lizeth Jun 19, 2017 1027 views

If I major in Physics, what career choices are available to me?

I'm planning to major in Physics and while I'm not terribly passionate about it, I was wondering what career paths branch out from Physics. #mathematics #physics

Erica’s Avatar
Erica Oct 23, 2016 967 views

What made you want to pursue astronomy?

I want to major in the physics/astronomy field. How did you get there? #physics #astronomy

m’s Avatar
m May 16, 2016 1202 views

how can i improve physics subject

because it's very hard subject #physics

Amina’s Avatar
Amina Jun 30, 2016 5341 views

DIfference between BA and BS degrees?

I am an astronomy/physics major and am currently pursuing a BS degree. I would like to ultimately work in a scientific discipline and/or for the government, and was wondering if a BS degree makes a big difference from a BA? What kind of job would a BA physics degree candidate be able to have?...

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa May 14, 2016 6064 views

Is it possible to mix music and physics in your career?

I have a real passion for physics and music (notably theoretical and orchestra, respectively). I'm curious for what jobs mix the two. #music #physics #occupation #theoretical #orchestral-music #orchestra

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Jun 04, 2015 3953 views

Is it worth becoming an astronomer with the debt that comes after it?

I am a Freshman in high school and have always enjoyed looking at planets and stars. The thought of space has always fascinated me, but I am not very rich so its kind of difficult to pay 20,000 dollars a year when I could go for Architecture (which I am a little less interested in) for so much...