Career questions tagged orchestral-music

Orchestral Pianist?
What are the ins and outs of being an orchestral pianist. I know most are part time or are touring/a soloist for a season or something, but I am very interested in learning more. Be as exhaustive as you can.

Helping skills.
How to I get better at orchestra or get better at reading/law reading skills I used to be in adv reading writing but I drop out it got hard really fast.

How do I find out about apprenticeships and other ways to get practical experience during college?
#music #orchestral-music #music-performance

Which classes in college would be best for performing music?
I've been in orchestra for almost 6 years, and I know that i want this to be a career choice of mine. I just need assistance for completing my future career. Thank you. #orchestra #orchestral-music

What is your advice on getting into a professional orchestra in the US or Europe?
Hi! I'm a high school cellist and my dream job would be to play in a professional orchestra, but I know how competitive the audition process is. Do any successful musicians have any advice to make my chance of achieving this dream as high as possible? #music #music-performance #orchestral-music

What are some good universities for a cello performance major?
Hi, I'm in high school and I would like to major in cello performance in college and eventually make a career out of music. Does anyone know any schools that are especially good for this? Thanks! #education #music #music-performance #orchestral-music #playing-cello

What do orchestral conductors look for in a musician?
I play the flute, and know that it is a competitive world out there for us flautists. How can I stand above the rest, besides my playing skills? Should I learn to play the piccolo just as well as the flute for better chances? #orchestral-music #classical-music #orchestra #flute

How do you go about finding gigs as a classical percussionist?
Performance BM #music #musician #orchestral-music #classical-music #marimba #percussion #xylophone

When playing in an orchestra at a high level of experience, say The Juilliard School sort of experience, are there times where the players would need to memorize songs/ play without a conductor?
I am going to try to get into The Juilliard school and if I do happen to get in, I am wondering what I might expect at that level of playing. Not just from that school but also from other orchestras that play at that level. #music #orchestral-music