Charles M
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is it better to stay in a dorm or an apartment
i'm planning on going to a performing arts school in New York for college pros and cons on dorms versus apartments would be appreciated any tips on finding a great apartment would be nice i currently have two roommates who would be staying with me and splitting rent. #housing #dorms #dorming...

How would you guide someone just learning to file their taxes?
I am curious how tax advisors would help someone of a young age learn how to do their taxes. #taxes #income-taxes

would it be a good idea to work with your best friend?
I dont think it is but I would like different type of perspective

Where can I get a job quickly?
Communicative, quick learner, skillful, good listener #job-search #job #career #resume

How will training for carpentry help me in the real estate

#realestate Other than communication and knowing people, what are some other life skills that could help me get better at closing deals for houses and finding deals as well?