Career questions tagged realestate
How can I start real estate at a young age?
How can I start real este at age 16 ?I’m very interested and want to start early in the career i wish to pursue.Ive always been told im to young to start real este but my goal is to change that.
What can I get involved in to become a real estate agent ?
I’m 12 and want to be a real estate agent, what are some things I can get involved in to help become a real estate agent ?
What are the down hills of becoming a real estate agent?
How does joining the military help with real estate agents? How much time and money are invested when chasing this career? Is this career worth spending time on?
What are the down hills of becoming a real estate agent ?
How does joining the military help with real estate agents? How much time and money are invested when chasing this career?
What can i do to start early for real estate?
I'm 16 years of age and I would like to start doing real estate. I know I'm not old enough for a license but is there anything I can do to get a head start?
What can I do at 16 to get started into real estate in Texas ?
Any tips that I can do right now will help.
How much does it cost to become a real estate agent?
I'm wondering how much I need to save before going to school and taking courses to become a real estate agent. Should I take a gap year?
How do I select what I want to be?
honestly feel like I'm at a crossroad. I've been told to get a job that pays well, but to also get one that I will enjoy in the long term. All my life, I've wanted to go into the crime and investigation studies , on the physical side, but I feel as though that would be something that wouldn't be in the long term and I would find myself not enjoying as I get older. I also have been looking into real estate and doing that in order to make money at a young age to invest it early. But, my parents are pushing me to get a degree, so I was thinking of getting a management degree to open my opportunities even further. But, if I were to minor in criminology studies, would there be a bridge in order to crossover both of those things? Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!!
What challenges did you have to overcome in Real Estate How did you change your models, to breakthrough barriers? Why did you do real estate? From what you know now what would you have done differently earlier in your career? What classes should I take for real estate ,business, and marketing? Do you have any book suggestions? ?
I am Na'Laysia, and I want to be a real estate agent, but not just any real estate agent I want to hit over trillions! I am currently reading "The millionaire Real estate agent" by Gary Keller. He says the have BIG goals and I do I will be a trillionaire! Not for the money no one needs that much, but for the personal growth, if I grow so much to reach such heights nothing impossible!
What steps can I take to become a real estate broker?
I want to know the important risk and steps to takes in archiving my goal
What are the benefits in a career in business or finance? Also what careers are in these fields?
I am a high school junior who is looking into which major I'd like to pursue. #finance #career #business #realestate #investment
what courses should I take for college to be a good real estate agent?
when I get my diploma I want to be a real estate agent but I want to go to college still so what courses should I take?
How can i be more persuasive while working in real estate?
I am looking to work with houses and some people say i am repressive but sometimes it does not work and I am looking to be more persuasive.
What classes do I take for real estate in college?
I am interested in going into real estate after high school.