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Ginamarie Creek’s Avatar

Ginamarie Creek

Business Development Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5 Answers
5892 Reads
11 Karma

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David’s Avatar
David Sep 06, 2019 737 views

If you could start all over again, what would you do differently?

I am a senior student at Brennan High school. I’m looking to get my MBA so that I can learn more about business. I want to own and run my own businesses. I want to be my own boss and have freedom. #entrepreneur # #business-management #business #business-development

Umair’s Avatar
Umair Feb 01, 2020 2664 views

For Business Development/Partnerships/Strategy professionals in Tech or Business: what type of skills, methodologies, and frameworks have you developed over time in order to do well in your job and have a positive impact towards your organization?

I’m currently a senior @ Rutgers University studying IT & Entrepreneurship. Highly interested in starting a career in the business side of Tech and would like to one day lead the transaction of billion dollar deals and market partnerships. #business #entrepreneur #strategy #business development...

Clifta’s Avatar
Clifta Jan 29, 2020 1115 views

What careers are best for traveling?

I have a passion for traveling and I would love a career that would let me travel and also make a fair amount of money. #career #travel #money

jasmine’s Avatar
jasmine May 15, 2020 1045 views

How can I learn to make a lot of money as a 16 year old that doesn't have a specific passion?

How do I skip all the bs (university, Amazon affiliates etc)and get straight into the nitty gritty of money making (as a 16 y/o) #money

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jan 21, 2018 1005 views

How difficult is it to live on your own for the first time?

I will be moving out to go to school two hours away from my parents. I have never had to really worry about expenses before. Sure I had my credit card, union dues, and other things that were minimal in cost. The thought of being responsible for everything is stressing my out. #stressed...