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Brad Huber’s Avatar

Brad Huber

Senior Facilities Manager
Management Occupations - Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
2 Answers
825 Reads
1 Karma

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Christa’s Avatar
Christa Sep 03, 2019 511 views

What is a typical day like being a Heating and Cooling Mechanic? (HVAC)

My name is Christa and I am 19 years old. I am looking to see what type of job would most fit me and my skills. I want to know more about the routine of a Heating and Cooling Mechanic (HVAC) to have more or less of an idea of what it might be like. I am currently enrolled in Job Corps to learn...

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Sep 18, 2019 449 views

Is your job typical of others on this field?

I am enroll in Job Corps and I`d like to learn new skills or techniques in HVAC. I will like to learn everything about HVAC so, later on I can become a engineer in Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanics and Installers. #engineer