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Xinrui Alice Zhang’s Avatar

Xinrui Alice Zhang

Mechanical Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Los Angeles, California
5 Answers
3566 Reads
91 Karma

Active Locations

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Jun 19, 2020 530 views

What would be the outcome when making a mistake in a calculation for a project?


nerissa’s Avatar
nerissa Jun 19, 2020 769 views

As a mechanical engineer what do you have to do to insure you don't make any mistakes in your final model?

#engineering #mechanical-engineering

Jeshua’s Avatar
Jeshua Jun 19, 2020 846 views

What are some things you didn’t expect working as a mechanical engineer?


Andy’s Avatar
Andy Jun 19, 2020 832 views

Is CAD the only application to use when working? If not, what are the other applications that a mechanic engineer uses?

#engineer #mechanics

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Jun 16, 2020 719 views

After receiving a bachelor's in science, what are the path forward to continuing an education? I'm confused on the differences/hierarchy of graduate school, medical school, or pursuing a PhD.

I'm an undergrad in neuroscience and psych and a career in research is currently my plan.

#college #psychology #science