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Vee V’s Avatar

Vee V

Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
3 Answers
3558 Reads
21 Karma

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Ramsey’s Avatar
Ramsey Jun 24, 2020 2020 views

What career best suits my interests?

I enjoy administrative tasks such as office duties, budgeting, math, and providing explanations. I love to help people wherever and whenever I can. I have been trying to find a career that best suits my interest for years but nothing seems to stick. I will be starting college soon and I would...

Toluwanimi’s Avatar
Toluwanimi Jun 17, 2020 1654 views

What are the best medical specialties for extroverts

I am a biochemistry graduate with strong interpersonal skills. I am applying to medical schools and I am gathering all the information possible.
#medical-school #healthcare #MD#DO