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Steven Peterson’s Avatar

Steven Peterson

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Portland, Oregon
3 Answers
6037 Reads
1 Karma

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Aleena’s Avatar
Aleena May 13, 2020 1053 views

For someone who does not know programming, what is the best way/software to create an app?

Create an app with an algorithm to match donors with nonprofits to donate food. #programming #software-engineering #computer #computer-software

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Dec 26, 2013 3718 views

Is it possible to just start computer programing once I start college?

I know it is encouraged to start before you enter college, maybe take a class in high school or use free online resources, but can a person become a successful computer programer. Either having the passion for it or not having a strong passion but being a hard worker. #college #computer...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 09, 2020 3771 views

How do I improve my time management skills for college?

#time-management #college #help