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Megan Jarriel’s Avatar

Megan Jarriel

Electrical Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
3 Answers
3270 Reads
21 Karma

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Cecelia’s Avatar
Cecelia Jul 17, 2020 712 views

What was your transition from college to working like?

#July20 #career #college

Tara’s Avatar
Tara Jul 17, 2020 773 views

Where can I find scholarships for college?

I am currently in the process of writing my applications to colleges, and I want to also apply for some scholarships but I'm not sure where to start. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on foundations or companies where they offer scholarships. Any resources are helpful! Thanks so much!...

Iqra’s Avatar
Iqra Jul 17, 2020 1862 views

What's something you recommend students should do BEFORE starting college?

A general answer or a more personal one will suffice!

#general #college #knowledge #general #advice #life # #career #JULY20