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Satinderjeet Singh’s Avatar

Satinderjeet Singh

Experienced Associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Jersey City, New Jersey
7 Answers
13867 Reads
22 Karma

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Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Jul 22, 2020 736 views

Is it better to move for college or stay home?

#medicine #dorm

Aun’s Avatar
Aun Jul 23, 2020 778 views

What is the Difference Between Software Consulting and Software Contracting?

The answers on the internet vary from forum to forum, job descriptions, and websites. I'd like to know what the difference between both of these jobs are, and what each role entails? #softwareengineering #career # #jobs #career-counseling

Ramiro’s Avatar
Ramiro Jul 22, 2020 866 views

How to gain experience for big tech companies

I have a Computer Science AS degree and do not have work experience. I find myself in a tough spot. However, I am still continuing my studies, but I need to start getting some real work experience according to my professors. I do not know where to start or where could I get accepted to get...

Yuri’s Avatar
Yuri Apr 22, 2020 2177 views

With COVID-19, will possible for me to work or study abroad in the near future?

#study-abroad #work-abroad #COVID-19

Megha’s Avatar
Megha Jul 24, 2020 3121 views

I need a job that allow me to travel around the world.Or jobs that are adventurous.please guide me...l love to travel a lot

#travel #food #cooking #entertainment-industry #entertainment-industry

Enrique’s Avatar
Enrique Jul 05, 2020 752 views

Which Master Degree has more demand in Canada and the US? I am an Electronic and Control Engineer

Hi I am an electronic and control engineer and would like to know which is the highest-paid and highest-demanded master degree for my profession in Canada and the US. #engineering

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Apr 29, 2020 6555 views

Where Do I Start Investing For Beginner ?

I keep hearing about investing some money, so I decided to give it a try.
But I need help?
How do I start investing?
What app is good for investing?

#finance #accounting #investment-management #money #career #COVID19 #Help #money