Keith Adkins
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Should I double major?
I'm interested in Business Administration but I'm also interested in Marketing and Public Relations. They have many similar (or even same courses.) What should I do? Double major or minor? #majors #minor #college #marketing #women-in-business

What are some classes that you recommend I take that align with Sports Entertainment and Marketing?
I am going to be a freshman in college this fall. I have always been interested in advertising and how sports plays a role in this industry. Ever since I went to Syracuse for a pre-college program last summer I have always been interested in the sports aspect of marketing. #sports #marketing...

What is market economy and what does it mean to me and my career?
I'm having career doubt. #marketing #economics #economy

For Business Development/Partnerships/Strategy professionals in Tech or Business: what type of skills, methodologies, and frameworks have you developed over time in order to do well in your job and have a positive impact towards your organization?
I’m currently a senior @ Rutgers University studying IT & Entrepreneurship. Highly interested in starting a career in the business side of Tech and would like to one day lead the transaction of billion dollar deals and market partnerships. #business #entrepreneur #strategy #business development...

#GivingisCaring How can I Prepare for a Career in Marketing Strategy?
Interested in making better data-driven marketing decisions for B2C companies either in the entertainment or retail space.
#careers #GivingisCaring #business #career-choice #career #marketing #marketingstrategy

What makes a General Manager of a professional sports team adequatly educated?
Im looking to work in the sports industry and am interested how the ideal General Manager of a sports team is educated or prepared. #experience #sports #sports-management

What is something I will need to know about being a hairstylist?
I'm Tatiyana and I am a 10th grader. I already know the basics of hair and how to braid hair. I don't know how to braid to the scalp just yet. So could some of you all give me a few tips on how to do that. Also some things I would need to know. #cosmetology #anyone #general #experience

Which is better to study for a marketing career, psychology or sociology?
If trying to pursue a career in marketing, which courses would be more beneficial, psychology or sociology courses? #JULY20 #career #future-careers #marketing #career-plan #studies #marketingdegree #business

Other than a degree, what other skills are necessary in a marketing career?
What other skills come in handy or look good on a resume for a marketing career? #JULY20 #career #career-path #resume #skills #marketing