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Tanaz Arteaga’s Avatar

Tanaz Arteaga

Faculty and Administrator
Management Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Los Angeles, California
8 Answers
10424 Reads
22 Karma


Citizen Patrol

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grace’s Avatar
grace Oct 03, 2023 1006 views

What is the hardest part about being a mental health therapist ?

hi, i am a jr high student from crane middle school and i have some questions for a therapist. what is the hardest part about being a mental health therapist? i also would like to know if i would choose my clients or would they give them to me.

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Dec 13, 2022 2407 views

What type of career could I do in psychology?

I am interested in psychology, but I do not know what careers are included in that. Can anyone recommend careers or share information about theirs that will help me choose? Thank you.

Trenity’s Avatar
Trenity Oct 11, 2022 2664 views

Psychiatrist career ladder...

What are the steps ( in chronological order) to becoming a psychiatrist? I understand that one must achieve a bachelor's degree, go to med-school, and complete a residency, but I am not sure what order these steps should be taken in.

Paiton’s Avatar
Paiton Oct 29, 2020 1103 views

What classes should I take to help become a psychologist?


Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Aug 18, 2020 737 views

What bachelor's degree should an aspiring forensic psychologist aim for?

Hello! I'm currently a freshman in college and am unsure as to what degree would best be suited for a future career as a forensic psychologist. I'm currently majoring in psychology and plan to obtain a B.A.. However, I wanted to receive expert advice on whether this route is the best option. I...

Noemi’s Avatar
Noemi Jul 19, 2018 1187 views

What schools in California are known for their psychology program?

I want to attend undergraduate school in California and am considering majoring in psychology. What schools (private and/or public) have amazing psychology programs? #school #psychology #schools

Clifford Khent’s Avatar
Clifford Khent Mar 06, 2018 819 views

What jobs can I get with an AA in Psychology?

I'm currently almost finished with my Bachelor's. I also currently work as a Behavioral Therapist. But are there alternative options? Psychology is a pretty vast field and you can do so much with it. I was wondering on what everyone's thoughts were. #psychology #school #college #associatesdegree

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 24, 2020 1371 views

Are AP classes really worth taking?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field