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Yeuk Yuan’s Avatar

Yeuk Yuan

Enterprise Architecture
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Palo Alto, California
4 Answers
10009 Reads
2 Karma

Active Locations

Rana’s Avatar
Rana Apr 10, 2020 2711 views

what are the needed skills to be a good sales engineer ?

#sales #sales-engineer #engineering #engineer #mechanical-engineering #electro-mechanical

Eldon’s Avatar
Eldon Mar 09, 2019 2464 views

Why did you choose tech?

Tech is so new and coming. Why did you choose to go into the tech industry? #tech

CareerVillage ’s Avatar
CareerVillage Dec 29, 2011 6395 views

What is the career path to a successful career in technology?

I really like computers, and I that are and will be a lot of different career options in technology. I'm wondering what I should do now, starting in high school, to prepare for a successful career in technology #computer #technology #career-paths #tech

Tylar’s Avatar
Tylar May 25, 2020 3716 views

Do Most Software Engineers enjoy their job?

#software #engineer #software-engineering #computer-software