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Elyria, Ohio
4 Questions
178 Karma

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Jerry Oct 27, 2020 725 views

College Courses

What college classes should i take that would have the biggest effect on the succesfulness of myself and my buisness? what are some helpful classes that are extra but help you get a better idea of the economic supply chain #college-admissions #help

Jerry’s Avatar
Jerry Oct 27, 2020 646 views

HighSchool Vs College

What are the diffrences from a college lifestyle versus highschool lifestyle. i know the basics of being a adult but whats truly required to be a succesful adult #adulting #career #career-path-planning #college-bound

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Jerry Oct 27, 2020 716 views

whats a good buisness school

what are some good buisness colleges either in my country or nationally #school # #schooling

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Jerry Oct 27, 2020 612 views

Steps to become a buisness owner

Im a junior in highschool and i want to open my own store and i was wondering what higher education and or work experience is needed to complete my goal #general #colleges #economics