Career questions tagged adulting

HighSchool Vs College
What are the diffrences from a college lifestyle versus highschool lifestyle. i know the basics of being a adult but whats truly required to be a succesful adult #adulting #career #career-path-planning #college-bound

I am always overwhelmed I need help with being calm. What can I do to calm myself
I am a first year college student trying to move out since my home environment isn’t always the best it just adds to my anxiety. It’s quite difficult since I can only have a part time job. #college #adulting

What are the best places to look for jobs before and after graduation?
You've spent money, time, and determination to get that college degree. The job market is tough and many students have debt. Where do I look for the right job before and after getting that pricey paper? We're academic ready. But are we job ready? #jobs #graduation #networking #adulting #job-search #welcometotherealworld

What are healthy ways to fight stress?
Stress is my personal leading cause for weight gain. Whether it be from work, school, or just being an adult. Any ideas for healthy (not costly or very time consuming) to battle stress. #stress ##adulting #weight-management

How can I prepare myself for life after college?
Going into college next year, my biggest concern is how close I am to life after college. School becomes such an essential part of life that it is a little scary to think of finally reaching an end to my education in a few years. #lifeaftercollege #adulting

how would one NOT struggle with the profession of artist or actor?
I have a passion for art and acting but dont want to make a carrer out if them because i know i will struggle. #how #adulting #notstruggling #acting #art #struggleisreal #welpiguessilldiewithajobthatihatecausethatshowitgoes #ihatethisclass #thisisrequiredasastudenthere #iwantedtobeinhealthacademy #imnottheonlyone #hangry #ihaventeatALLDAY