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Monica Jain’s Avatar

Monica Jain

Channel Director
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
5 Answers
25380 Reads
1 Karma

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Ze’s Avatar
Ze Mar 04, 2020 1501 views

What three habits will improve your life?

#psychology Uoft Life sciences majoring in Biology and Psychology. #science #biology #doctor #study-abroad

Nick’s Avatar
Nick Nov 05, 2020 598 views

How did you Figure out what you wanted to do

I really have no idea what i wanna do with your life or even go to school I #career-path #school #life #career have absolutely no idea what to do or even better what in your life showed you what you what you wanted to do as a career.

Lance’s Avatar
Lance Nov 29, 2020 1194 views

How do I decide what to major in if I can't decide on one career option for my future?


Joey’s Avatar
Joey Oct 04, 2019 3031 views

What do you find most enjoyable about your job ?

I am a senior at Brennan High School Interested in going into the business field. #business #entrepreneur #business-management #marketing...

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Dec 01, 2020 19545 views

Is it realistic to work in business fields with a Psychology degree?

I love studying psychology and find that it can help me move forward into becoming a clinical psychologist or academic counselor after undergrad. I find that a degree in psychology may be pretty versatile and would like to use it to explore careers in business as well. I plan on taking business...