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Kacie Winsor Carlson’s Avatar

Kacie Winsor Carlson

Sr. Customer Success Manager
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Raleigh, North Carolina
4 Answers
7842 Reads
1 Karma

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Robert’s Avatar
Robert Mar 29, 2019 5932 views

Interview Q&A for Customer Success Management Role

1. Tell me about a time you went above and beyond for a customer. 2. How do you manage your time? 3.How did you handle an angry customer and what was the outcome? 4. Tools you use to measure success, and process to generate your reports? 5. How do you fight churn? These are popular CSM...

Khloe’s Avatar
Khloe Jan 30, 2018 1020 views

How do I prepare for an interview?

I have never had a professional interview and I want tips...


Allison’s Avatar
Allison Aug 17, 2018 1202 views

Is a masters necessary for the stem field

I don’t know if I want my masters or just bachelors degree #women-in-tech

Wanzetta’s Avatar
Wanzetta Oct 27, 2020 690 views

As a Neurosurgeon What skills—such as communication and problem solving—are most important in your field? Describe a situation in which you use these skills.

I am a high school sophomore and have always wanted to have some type of medical career. For the last couple of years, I've been leaning toward surgery and I'm really interested in the human brain which led me to Neurological Surgery as a specialty. I would love to hear from someone he's living...