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John Hunt’s Avatar

John Hunt

Data Engineer
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Raleigh, North Carolina
3 Answers
9720 Reads
1 Karma

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Jane’s Avatar
Jane Oct 08, 2020 6066 views

Is electrical engineering right for me?

Hello! I'm a high school senior applying for college, and I know I want to do engineering but I'm still a bit unsure about what type to apply for. I was considering Electrical Engineering because the classes sound interesting and I've read up on a couple topics independently because of that,...

Oliverio’s Avatar
Oliverio Nov 05, 2020 1639 views

What do electrical engineers do?

I'm 15 years old. I'm not so creative and I'm not to good being social. I like the outdoors. I don't see myself as smart, but a lot of people think I am.
#Engineer #Electrical Engineer

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Nov 05, 2020 2391 views

What main skills would I need to be an engineer?

I'm Joseph and I'm good at math. And I'm gonna be an engineer but I'm wondering if there is other skills I would need to be an engineer. #tech #engineering