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Himanshu Amre’s Avatar

Himanshu Amre

Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
3 Answers
2340 Reads
1 Karma

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Dasan’s Avatar
Dasan Dec 03, 2014 4051 views

I am interested in cars but I do not want to design them I would like to fix and build them. What major should I look into?

I am junior at Boston Collegiate Charter School and growing up I always liked cars. I use to collect toy cars and models of cars and still have them all. I collected small cars like Hot Wheels and bigger cars as well. I always took them apart and put them together. I always liked the movie...

Leo’s Avatar
Leo Jun 22, 2016 910 views

How do you achieve a career designing cars?

I'm asking this question because idk the answer to it. #knowledge #cars #automobile-design #car-design

Cesar’s Avatar
Cesar Mar 06, 2020 681 views

How are the working conditions during the day?

#automotive #cars #mechanic