Cameron Hyer
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Tags on answered questions

What career best fits my strengths and hobbies?
I'm a senior in high school and would like a future career as an auto-mechanic. My two strongest strengths are: I never give up and I am a problem solver. My hobbies are working and playing problem solving games. Given my strengths and hobbies what kind of career best fits me? What other...

What are the benefits about being a mechanic?
#engineering #mechanic #automotive #cars #mechanics

What should I major in if I want to become a veterinarian? (What classes do I need to take to help me become a veterinarian?)
I like animals. I want to help them. I'm aware I'll see some crazy things like blood and broken bones. But I want to help animals. #veterinarian #veterinary-medicine #student #graduate

what can I do to become a diesel mechanic
I'm 16 years old and want to become a diesel mechanic , I love the idea of fixing or even upgrading and tuning a vehicle for someone and lots others, I want to learn and grow but i'm not sure were to start or who to look for but I am willing to go and learn skills I will need to learn to be...