Elise’s Career Goals
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Can I be a gymnast and a YouTuber at the same time?
My hobbies are crafting and gymnastics and I know that I can craft while I have a YouTube account but I am not so sure about gymnastics.
#confused #career #youtube #gymnast #career-choice

Do I need a degree for becoming a youtuber and editing m videos?
I am 11 so I don't need to worry about this now but this is for when I am older.
#career #job #degree

What do I use to edit my videos?/How do I learn to edit better?
I am 11 so I am not the best at video editing and I have no idea what to use. Btw I will be on a laptop/monitor.
#software #programming #editing

How do I become a successful vlogger?
I am 11 and I hope to start a channel where I vlog.
#entertainment #fun #youtube

So if I wanted to have a gaming youtube channel would Roblox be a good game to video?
I love Roblox and I love youtube. I was wondering if Roblox would be content people would like? Do yall think so? Please help me.
#games #roblox #youtube

How do I start my first video on youtube so that I can become big.
I am 11 and I am hoping to start a youtube channel soon but I don't know how to start my first vid. Can yall help me?
#computer #youtube #video-production #success