Career questions tagged gymnastics

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ToluwanimiSep 21, 2024460 views

"How" can I become a Gymnast? "Is" there how to learn Gymnastics? "Why" can't I do it

How can I become a Gymnastic Do you allow people on how to learn how to do Gymnastics Can we learn Gymnastics on this Career

answer icon1 answers
Active Sep 22, 2024
location iconNiagara Falls
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LilianaJun 28, 2024458 views

How am I supposed to quit?

I'm a level 8 gymnast, and I've been asking my parents if I can quit for almost 3 years. but, my coach keeps telling my mom to keep me in gymnastics until I'm about 15-16 because she thinks that it's too early for me to make my decision. I've tried talking to them both about my feelings about the sport, I even wrote a really long paragraph backed up with a bunch of details as to why I should quit, but nothing works. For me, its just not fun anymore and I hate going to practice. And like I said earlier, I've been asking to quit for 3 years straight, but I don't really think they care. They both say that I'd be wasting my talent, but no matter how many times I tell them that talent doesn't matter to me anymore, they keep pushing me and trying to guilt trip me into staying. My mom told me that she'd let me quit if I found another sport I can do, and I've told her that I want to do dance or soccer, but she just ignores my texts when I send her websites, or she makes up excuses when I show her in person. I just don't know what to do because I've grown to despise this sport, so what should I do?

answer icon3 answers
Active Jul 02, 2024
location iconGlen Burnie
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AnnieOct 21, 20231473 views

Should I quit my sport?

I'm currently in 9th grade and have been doing rhythmic gymnastic since around 4-5 grade. I've been wondering if I should quit since I practice 4 hours a day on school days and haven't been getting enough sleep or good grades. Currently I have all As except for 2 subjects which are Bs, but I think I can do better. I am also taking all the hardest classes available in my school for a freshman. I really love my team but I don't know if rhythmic is my sport since I'm now in level 8 and I'm not as flexible as I used to be, therefore I'm at a huge disadvantage. I have also been wanting to quit for several years now however never had the courage to. It's been part of who I am for such a long time, but I just don't think it's right for me anymore. I really love the sport but I don't think I'm good at it anymore, or will be again in the future. Since I'll only get less flexible. I believe my coach really does want the best for us but most practices are wasted because she's not in the mood to correct us. I also see no future for me in the sport, and I don't think it will be good for collage app since basically no collage has a rhythmic gymnasts team/ I have to decide whether or not I want to quit since we have to start signing up for competition in 2 weeks, and if I don't quit this year I'm not quiting next year since I want to be able to start sometime else and get better at it PLEASE HELP! (If I quit I will start trying new sports starting with gymnastic)

answer icon2 answers
Active Nov 04, 2023
location iconNaperville
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An Awesome StudentJan 18, 2021588 views

How do you know if you'll ever be a gymnastics star or have 1 million subscribers?

Hi! I'm Ms. Lambert at the International Community School. My 4th graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance! #gymnastics #celebrity #fame

answer icon1 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconAtlanta
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JordanApr 17, 20192468 views

How much do Olympic gymnast make in a year?

Or do they get any money? #gymnastics #sports

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconRichmond
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jazlynApr 11, 20191258 views

How do I obtain a college degree if I want to be a gymnast?

#college #gymnastics #gymnast #career #career-path

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconTexas City
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JuanMay 19, 20162110 views

how can you be a professional gymnast?

I want to be a gymnastic teacher #teacher #gymnastics #athletics #sports #higher-education

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconProvidence
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TreMay 13, 20161183 views

How do gymnast flip around so much?

I do gymnastics rite now and I love it so much. I love watching it on TV too. When I grow up I want to be a professional gymnast and compete all over the world. #gymnastics #gymnast

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconAustin
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LaniyaJun 19, 20156693 views

Is there a degree needed to be a gymnast?

Hi, I'm Laniya and i was interested in starting Gymnastics again. I was wondering if I started to like it more than i expected, if i needed any education to be a gymnast. #gymnastics

answer icon3 answers
Active Mar 19, 2024
location iconPittsburgh