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Iwona Hefner’s Avatar

Iwona Hefner

Electrical Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Deerfield, Illinois
9 Answers
5346 Reads
1 Karma

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Andre’s Avatar
Andre Mar 15, 2021 723 views

How do we sign up for the careers that we chose?

I am in 9th grade and im learning how to find and apply for a job. #job #higher-education #professionals #jobs #career #first-job

Meredith’s Avatar
Meredith May 14, 2016 1166 views

How hard is it to pay off the debt on pre-vet and vet school?

I've been considering the fact that vet schools are very expensive and sometimes hard to get into. Is the expense really worth it if you love taking care of animals? How long does it usually take to pay off the debt if you go to a place like Auburn University for vet school in Alabama?...

abby’s Avatar
abby May 18, 2016 1414 views

How much more would dual majoring cost?

I want to dual major in plant and animal sciences.

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #college #college-major #educator #higher-education

Duy’s Avatar
Duy May 21, 2016 861 views

How is the path for physics major

Okay so as of right now, I am in biotech and I want to switch to physics because Im so intrigued by astrophysics. However, everyone around me tells me its too hard. Physics is too hard for you, you wont find a job, you'll need to get a higher level education and it's expensive. Things along...

g’s Avatar
g May 16, 2016 864 views

how can i improve maths subject?

I am not good at understanding math.

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #school #mathematics #math #higher-education

Aakash’s Avatar
Aakash Jun 22, 2016 872 views

In which stream i will take in hgher studies for Engineer?

In my childhood i would like build many buildings. So i would select to became a engineer #engineer #higher-education

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan May 12, 2016 1079 views

What high school should I go to?

It is important to ask this because if you go to a good high school than most likely you will go to a good college. #college #career #higher-education #football

Tatiana’s Avatar
Tatiana Feb 24, 2021 728 views

How do I know what I want to do is really for me?

Hello, I don't really want to go to college and I am still trying to figure out my future. I could honestly be so much, so it is difficult trying to find and pick one thing. Is college really for me? The experience wouldn't be the same as it would a decade ago, so what is and what isn't for...

j’s Avatar
j May 17, 2016 1104 views

I want higher marks in Physics- what can I do?

I am interested in Physics. #physics #science #college #higher-education