Samantha Brooks
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In-State or Out- of State?
Is it smarter to go to an in state college or university or an Out of state?

what helped you decide on your career?
How did you decide?
Was it a hard decision?
Were there any life changing decisions?

How do you decide what to do as a career?
I know this isn't a simple question but I was wondering if there was anything that helped someone decide what to do with their life. #career-choice

If i have a flexible work schedule do I choose my hours?
I've heard that real estate agent have flexible work schedules and I'm wondering if that means I choose my hours.

how can someone go about getting into the Big 4 without having a finance degree and coming out of a college that did not have the big 4 recruiting from them.
#business #big4

What kind of internships should I seek out as a Business-Economics Major?
Hello, I am currently a business-economics major at the University of California-Los Angeles, and I am looking for internships for the upcoming summer. Also looking to minor in accounting. As of now, I'm a bit unsure of what internships I should be looking for as I want to get internships...

Should I invent in stocks?
Interest in the stock market. #business #finance #college-major #event-planning #small-business #accounting

To get a job in finance, is it recommended to get a masters' degree?
#finance #accounting #business #master's

Is there a difference in job opportunities for those with associate's degrees, bachelor's degrees, or a certificate in accounting? Which option would be best for someone who already has a bachelors in an unrelated field to pursue if they wanted to become an accountant?
I am finishing up my degree in Psychology but am considering a career as an accountant. I could get a second Bachelor's in accounting, an associate's in accounting, or a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in accounting. Which would be the better option? #accounting #accountant #business...

Would majoring in criminal justice and minoring in accounting be useful or would comms be better for job opportunities?
#accounting #criminal-justice #majors #choosingmajors

What is a good starting position for someone interested in cooking?
I have been in cooking club and cooking class so I have some knowledge of cooking and it sparked a interest in maybe having a cooking job. But as someone whom is uncomfortable with the idea of college. I don’t know a job that is a good starting point for a cooking career #career #cooking...

In terms of business ownership, what are some skills that are commonly missed and should be adhered to for beginning and future entrepreneurs.
#entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #architect #architecturalfirm #learn I am currently a junior in high school, and plan on majoring and getting a degree in architecture. I also plan to own my own architectural firm someday and am all ears to tips as well as recommendations towards the success of...

How should I organize my time as a junior in high school? Should I be actively trying to intern at different places?
I am a junior in high school and do not participate in a lot of extracurricular activities. #high-school #high-school-students #internships

Does going to certain universities affect your career path?
I don't know which college I want to go to. I am a junior in high school and don't have any college I really want or need to go to.
#high-school #college