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Kevin Kirsche’s Avatar

Kevin Kirsche

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Aldie, Virginia
3 Answers
3389 Reads
11 Karma

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Anina’s Avatar
Anina Aug 02, 2019 2560 views

I spent most of my software engineering internship not programming. Will that hurt me in interviews for full-time roles?

I'm a CS major in college and I am about to finish up an internship in backend software engineering at a division of a very large tech company. Most of my time was spent reading code, reading documentation, learning to use internal tools, writing configs, writing test cases, minor bug fixes,...

Anouk’s Avatar
Anouk Mar 09, 2021 526 views

What is it like to major in the arts and what are they?

I know there are many different kinds of arts to major in college. I was curious as what some are and what it's like majoring in one that is not commonly known as a primary academic subject.


Eli’s Avatar
Eli Mar 09, 2021 542 views

Is game design an easy field

Gamer #game-design