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David Rice’s Avatar

David Rice

Project Management
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Morristown, New Jersey
5 Answers
20497 Reads
1 Karma

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Alex ’s Avatar
Alex May 05, 2017 1624 views

What collage does a IT manager need?

I love tech, and want to be a IT manager. #technology #tech #it #it-management #it-operations

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Dec 10, 2015 14363 views

What are some entry-level jobs that could lead to becoming a project manager?

I am a high school senior with a special interest in business. I hope to one day become a project manager at a company, but as I am looking at colleges and majors, I am wondering what steps lie in between graduating college and reaching a project manager position. I was wondering what some...

Leion’s Avatar
Leion Sep 24, 2016 6267 views

Project Manager

What do Project Managers do? #professional #management #graduate #japan #manager #project #institute #agile

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Feb 26, 2021 900 views

What do you do to help with time management?

What do you do to help manage with balancing work and school? #work #school #parenting