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Merrick Nelson’s Avatar

Merrick Nelson

Administrative Manager
Management Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
6 Answers
3937 Reads
51 Karma


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Oliver’s Avatar
Oliver Jun 30, 2016 1233 views

How to use on line websites efficiently for my career?

I am completed my MCA this year and need to find a good job. I am not interested in lecturing and banking. I am interested to find a job in a good software company and I think our resume is a crucial document that makes or breaks your chance of getting an interview. So I need to write a good...

JWILLY’s Avatar
JWILLY Mar 18, 2021 1167 views

Would you say that trying to figure out what career you want to pursue when your young is helpful later in life

I am a middle school student who wants to know if thinking about your career when your young is good or if you should wait to worry about careers and jobs until later in life. #career #future #career-path #life

Simone’s Avatar
Simone Mar 11, 2021 891 views

what are the no skill jobs i can apply for ?

introverted, failing life, soon to be a law student #law-school #student

Chris’s Avatar
Chris Mar 11, 2021 647 views

How does your career have a mental impact on you as a person and what do you enjoy most about it?

#career #career-choice #future

Charina’s Avatar
Charina Mar 10, 2021 774 views

what studying tips should I need to know
